2009-5-16 18:53
Windows 7 Build 7127 x86 稬硁穨╰参穖だㄉ
硁ン嘿: Windows Seven (7 )
硁ンセ: Windows 7 Build 7127 x86
硁ン: 穨╰参
硁ン: 2.6GB
だㄉよΑ: 更翴(RS/FF/MF)
更戳: 郎
稬硁穨╰参 windows 7
Windows 7 (formerly known under the code name Blackcomb and Vienna)-the name of the new operating systems Windows, follow-up for Windows Vista, which is expected to be launched in the 2009-2010 biennium.
Year: 2009
Version: 6.1.7127.0.090507-1820
Platform: 32 bit
Language: English only
This is a pre-RTM escrow version, available on Microsoft Connect, is available by invitation to uskogo number of testers. Official non-self, the key may be old ispolovazt. In fact, the first build after 7100, and refers to the main branch winmain.
MD5: 4045CB2A8E50B65ED9E1C2B8D6026B2F
Size: 2.53 Gb