@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » Easy AVI DIVX XVID To DVD Burner v2.4.12 繁體免安裝版(轉檔、燒錄)

2007-10-12 14:05 cckitc
Easy AVI DIVX XVID To DVD Burner v2.4.12 繁體免安裝版(轉檔、燒錄)  

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Easy AVI DIVX XVID To DVD Burner v2.4.12 繁體免安裝版(轉檔、燒錄)
軟體名稱:Easy AVI DIVX XVID To DVD Burner v2.4.12

Easy AVI DIVX XVID To DVD Burner 是一款快速,高品質的DVD 轉檔和燒錄軟體,使用上容易可幫你把Divx檔案轉換到DVD或是燒錄到DVD光碟。 Easy Avi/Divx/Xvid to DVD Burner 支援在網際網路上最受歡迎的格式,例如: Divx,Xvid,AVI和stream格式,支援產生DVD圖檔和儲存到硬碟,或燒錄硬碟中的DVD圖檔備份到空白光碟,支援NTSC和PAL電視系統,支援 4︰3 和 16︰9的高寬比。

Key Features of Easy Avi/Divx/Xvid to DVD Burner:

* Creates DVD from Avi,Div,DivX,XVid files and burn to blank DVD disc
* Generate DVD image and save to hard disk
* Burn hard disk DVD image to blank DVD disc
* Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon? 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor which ensures full use of your CPU
* Merge up to 3 hours of multiple movies or episodic files to one DVD
* Multithreading and batch conversion are supported and the more files you convert the faster Easy Avi/Divx/Xvid to DVD Burner works than other DVD creators
* So easy to use that only ONE click is enough to burn a DVD after you loaded the video files
* Supports device types include DVD-R/ DVD+R/ DVD-RW/ DVD+RW
* Support NTSC and PAL
* Support 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio
* Add letterbox to keep the original aspect ratio
* All encoders/codec are built-in and any supported conversion can be done once you downloading the software
* Make excellent output quality
* Neat User Interface,very easy to use,without any complicated parameter settings
* No ASPI drivers needed
* Lifetime FREE Technical Support and FREE upgrade




2007-10-12 22:03 周偉新

2007-10-13 09:29 chanjacky
☆∴°﹒°.☆﹒‧°∴°  ☆..‧°∴☆‧°∴☆
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║謝│║謝│║分│║享│  ╰謝╮.  ‧°∴☆           ★㊣★                  
╘∞╛╘∞╛╘∞╛╘∞╛  ☆╰分╮   ‧°∴☆
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